Friday 20 January 2012

Welcome, 2012

Well hi there folks, and a merry New Year to you!

I hope ya'll had a sweet as holiday season, and got lots of pressies. The personnel at Honeybone do not believe in sending gifts, so that's probably why you didn't get one from us. Soz bro.

So what's new in the Honeybone world? You're probably wondering, since I've been neglecting this blog in pursuit of more interesting activities like wandering around alone on New Years in Queenstown.

This meme is rather appropriate

Well the first thing that's probably new to you (if you don't know us personally) is that Honeybone took a trip in mid-Dec 2011. We went to Auckland and saw the Foo Fighters. It was epic. They were epic. They filmed a music video but we're probably not in it because we're all too short.

Example: That guy to the left was about 2m tall, I was standing on my tippy toes and stretching my arm as high as it would go to take this pic

I also lost my shoe in the mosh, which didn't matter too much during the gig (no one was looking anywhere remotely near my feet), but once we left the stadium people looked at me weird. I was all

The next day heralded an important day in the Honeybone world, Drew and I got qualified. Yep, we graduated from University of Otago with a Bachelor of Music (Hons). So yeah, we can play music, and we have a piece of paper that says we can. Suck on that.

This guy probably has one too.
That was a fun day/night, and as we had to get up at 5am in Auckland to catch a 7am flight back to ol' Dudstown, we had a mean time.

During this time, Drew decided the time was ripe for a change. New Year brings in a new look. He cut his hair. The lovely long tresses are no more. He's still cute as a button. Heres a pic of the process.

Today, Tomorrow, Timaru

Just yesterday I booked a Honeybone gig for sometime in February. Sweet as. Stay tuned for the deets, it shall be an epic night with beers bands and boobs.

Now you're going to come just because I said boobs.

Well here it is again


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