Tuesday 19 April 2011


Cheers Nic for the title, if you read this :)

As you can probably tell from the title, Honeybone has had an interesting week (much like every week in the Honeybone Universe). On Wednesday night last week, Drew fractured his fibula.

The fibula is the smaller of the two lower leg bones
He was playing ice-hockey and slammed into the barrier skate first and fractured his fibula and tore the ligament in between the two bones. I was lucky enough to be at the game, but missed the incident as I was down the other end of the rink. I didn't even realise someone was hurt until they slid out a wee chair onto the ice, and because I didn't see Drew skating around I figured it was Drew who had hurt himself. It was.

So after about 4 hours waiting in ED (and a couple of Xrays) we were told Drew had fractured his fibula. Poor guy's been hobbling around on crutches ever since. However he did get a nice orange cast to match his Orange cab and guitar pedals, so it's not all bad.

So where does this leave Honeybone for gigs, you may wonder?

Luckily, Drew can still play guitar (it's pretty much all he does now), so all the gigs we have coming up are still on. Awesome. Drew will still have a heavy plaster on his leg so there won't be any crazy stage antics for him for a while, he'll be sitting in a wee chair like a girly singer/songwriter. That doesn't mean our show won't be shit or anything... hopefully.

Just a short blog for now guys, I'm playing Nurse to the guy in the crutches :)
Ta ta!

PS Here is a picture of the poor wee dear

Note the clashing of orange cast and mustard pants


  1. Me thinks a new picture is inorder. Same as the current one, but this time Drew in his wheelchair instead of his shopping trolley

  2. Azzy77, I put a picture of Drew on a chair with wheels :)

  3. lol we should totally do a photoshoot with my cast on

